Aéroport de Mirabel: La saga des aéroports de Mirabel et Dorval – des leçons à tirer maintenant et pour l’avenir

Author(s):Jacques Roy



Number of pages:170



Le 1er mai 2014, les dirigeants d’ADM (Aéroports de Montréal) annoncent un appel d’offres visant à démolir l’aérogare de Mirabel, mettant fin définitivement à la vocation de transport de passagers à cet aéroport inauguré en grande pompe en octobre 1975. Que s’est-il passé ? Qui est responsable de ce gâchis ? Aurait-on pu agir autrement ? A-t-on choisi le bon site ? Pourquoi n’a-t-on pas connecté Mirabel avec un train, tel que prévu ? Qu’en est-il de l’aéroport de Dorval devenu Montréal-Trudeau ? Pendant combien de temps encore pourra-t-il se développer ? Que s’est-il passé dans le dossier de la navette ferroviaire ? Quel est l’avenir des deux aéroports ? Quelles leçons doit-on tirer de cette saga ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles ce livre tentera de répondre.

Jacques Roy

Jacques Roy

Jacques Roy is a full professor at the Department of Logistics and Operations Management at HEC Montreal where he is also Director of the Carrefour logistique, a university-industry forum on Supply Chain Management and Director of the research group CHAÎNE that is conducting research activities in the field of Supply Chain Management. He is a regular member of the Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT). Professor Roy graduated with a B.Sc. from the Royal Military College in Saint‑Jean and completed his education with an M.B.A. and a Ph.D. in Business Administration at HEC Montréal. Prior to his teaching career, Dr. Roy was employed as an aerospace engineering officer with the Canadian Armed Forces. He was also Director, Research and Publication and Director, Training, at the Montreal-based International Aviation Management Training Institute. He also possesses many years of experience as a management consultant in logistics and transportation with several large Canadian corporations and governmental organizations such as Transport Canada, Industry Canada, and Transport Quebec. Dr. Roy has conducted several studies and authored many articles and publications in this subject area.

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